Had the pleasure of co-writing ‘Why Not Care While You’re Here’ with Verity Price recently.
Verity is passionate about exploring the single use plastic crisis and the planetary inconvenience that our convenience-fuelled lifestyles is causing through her songs and talks:
“The enemies of our past wielded guns and bombs, but the enemies of our future wield plastic shopping bags and straws. By 2050 it is estimated that with 8 million metric tons of plastic ending up in the sea every year, plastic will outweigh fish. This, is the new Day Zero for our planet,” she says.
This Log gives a bit of background info and also takes you on a road trip to ‘The Electric’ in Cape Town where our co-write was performed at the ‘Ocean Pledge’ fundraiser (part of Wavescape Festival).
It was a fantastic night which also screened the amazing film ‘Oceans Without Limits‘ and raised more than 80.000 for ocean conservation.
In the video I explain how jotting notes and being observant of what people say in a conversation can provide much of the basics for a song… and you also get the raw, live version from ‘The Electric’
#Oceanpledge #Verityprice #Cowritewithmartin #SDG6 #SDG13 #SDG14 #NoplanetB #Songcraftermusic #Aarhusuniversity
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